By Michael English
Summary: We were looking for a sketch to perform for an Ascension Day service at Holy Cross Yelling. (A pretty, sleepy and friendly place; a brilliant place to have a quiet day!) Since we could find no sketches on the Ascension we had to write our own. Hopefully it explains something of the wonder of why the ascension happened.
Tim Hull is invented, though there are plenty of similar people doing similar jobs for TEAR Fund and other aid organisations. Use a topical situation rather than Kosovo. Also, please use a local alternative for the Cogwheel Trust. It is important that the audience can relate to these situations.
Bible Reference: Acts 1: 3-11 and John 14:12
Characters: Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Presenter 1, Presenter 2 and Presenter 3
Props: Microphone and possibly video camera
Setting: Almost anywhere.
(Narrators 1 and 2 are at opposite sides of the stage. Presenters 1, 2 and 3 stand in the centre)
Narrator 1: Today we remember the time, 40 days after the crucifixion, when Jesus ascended to heaven and was seen on earth no more.
Narrator 2: It was such a shame Jesus had to go back to heaven. Just think what else he could have accomplished here on earth. Just think what he could do if he was physically here on earth now. He'd be a great celebrity.
Narrator 1: Okay, lets see what would happen:
Presenter 1: Jesus, can you open this supermarket .?
Presenter 2: Jesus, can you do a spot on the national lottery? We'd really like you to predict the numbers .
Presenter 3: Jesus, Paul Daniels is ill. Can you stand in for him and do his magic show?
(Presenters 1, 2 and 3 move off stage)
Narrator 2: Yes, I see. Our society could not cope with him.
But it's so sad. Jesus would be able to help so many people. Our world is so full of people who need him. If he was here today he'd be able to help so many.
Narrator 1: If Jesus were here today he'd be able to help refugees.
(Presenter 1 comes down the aisle with microphone. He meets Presenter 2 at front. This is a TV broadcast)
Presenter 1: I'm here at a refugee camp on the Albanian border. People have been streaming in from Kosovo all day. They've lost everything; their homes, their possessions and, in many cases, their loved ones. I'm here with Tim Hull who's with the aid organisation TEAR Fund. Tim, can you tell us a bit about what you've been doing?
Presenter 2: Well I've been organising the building of water supply and sanitation systems. I've also helped co-ordinate the distribution of food and medical supplies. These have been collected by the people in the churches in Great Britain and sent here in lorries across Europe. I suppose I represent them here - trying to bring Christ's love to the refugees.
(Presenters 1 and 2 move off stage)
Narrator 2: If Jesus were here today he would bring healing to those who are hurt in body, mind or spirit.
(Presenter 3 comes rushing down the aisle where she meets Presenter 1)
Presenter 3: I need help. I'm desperate. My husband wants a divorce, but I don't know where to turn.
Presenter 1: Well you've come to the right place. Come upstairs and we'll have a cup of tea and talk about it. Maybe your husband will come and talk too.
Presenter 3: But what is this place? Who are you?
Presenter 1: We are the Cogwheel trust - we do what we can to help those with family problems. St Andrew's Street Baptist in Cambridge allow us use of their premises. Together we try and be Jesus to those who need his healing.
(Presenters 1 and 3 leave)
Narrator 2: If Jesus were here today he would be telling the people of Yelling the Good News; the Kingdom of God is here among you.
(Presenters 1, 2 and 3 enter)
Presenters 1, 2 & 3: (Hands outstretched to indicate the congregation) But you are doing that!
Narrator 1: So Jesus is here today after all. He is here on earth - living in his church. Each of us who follow him demonstrates this; some more, others less. Then the words of Jesus are fulfilled:
All: I am telling you the truth: whoever believes in me will do what I do - yes he will do even greater things, because I am going to the Father.
This script is Copyright 1999 Michael English, All Saints Milton. Permission is given to use this drama in non-profit making church events provided the source is acknowledged. Some editing may be required to suit local conditions. Please let us know if you have any comments.