The following scripts have been written by members of All Saints Milton. They have all been performed at one time or another. Many are simply the Bible in dramatic form. Copyright resides with the authors. Permission is hereby granted for use of these scripts in non-profit making church events. Editing may be required to suit local conditions. The later scripts are downloadable acrobat files in BBC ScriptSmart format.

A Plot Against Nehemiah Nehemiah refuses to be distracted from God's work.
A Rock And A Hard Place Pilate's dilemma. A three scene play for Good Friday
A Soldier's Tale The events of Easter as seen by one of the soldiers.
Angel Delight Director's shooting script for the 2001 11-14s Christmas video.
Ascension? Why did Jesus go back to heaven?
Claim To Be Humble Who is the most humble person you know? How do they compare to this lot?
David and Araunah David's pride and its consequences - 2 Samuel 24 in dramatic form
David, Bathsheba And Nathan King David demonstrates how to handle criticism.
Easter Play The Easter story adapted for performance by around sixty primary age children
Executioner - Its Just A Job Mate The Roman soldiers who put Jesus to death were human beings just like you and me.
God's Football Kit Ephesians 6 adapted for those of us who don't know about real armour.
Hark! The Wise Men have become arms dealers and media moghuls, and the shepherds are working in a burger bar and won't get a day off for two millenia. Can Hark the Herald Angel save Christmas as we know it? Script for the 11-14s Christmas Video 2005.
Hezekiah's Illness Hezekiah is healed by God. But is there a happy ending?
Holiday Of A Lifetime A visit to the travel agents turns up unexpected adventure.
Jesus And Judas Contrasts their different actions and fates
Jesus At Twelve Dramatisation of Luke 2:41-52
Jesus, Man Of Prayer Meditation on Jesus' prayer life.
Joseph's Family Introduction to the ancient world's most dysfunctional family.
Loving Your Enemy Is very, very hard.
Moses Keeps His Aaron Dramatisation of the call of Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 3).
Mourning For Jesus What did the women feel as they came to the tomb on that first Easter morning?
Nehemiah And Jesus What would Jesus say to Nehemiah?
Open House Nativity Play All you ever wanted to know about the birth of Jesus but were afraid to ask.
Peer Pressure We are often under pressure to follow what our friends and family do.
Ruth And Boaz A radio style meditation showing that simple wholesome relationships are possible.
The Solomon Interviews Part II Chat show featuring an interview with King Solomon (based on Ecclesiates 2:1-11)
The Blind And The Toothless What happens when the cycle of violence is not broken.
The Easy Way Out Doing the right thing is often hard. Katy finds out what happens when you take the easy way out.
The Man With Two Daughters Dramatisation of the parable of the Man With Two Sons (Matthew 21:28-32)
The Pony Club Of The Apocalypse The Four Horsemen meet their match.
The Vanishing Time Does time for the important things in life vanish ilike smoke? This DVD sketch was written to go with our Bible Studies based on "The Scretape Letters" by C.S. Lewis
Three Friends Trust God Dramatisation of Daniel 3: 12-30
Three Parables Three parables about God's dealings with us that Jesus never told.
Total Boredom New game show with a twist at the end.
Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber Some arguements used against christianity are worthless because they can be reversed to prove the opposite. Here is an illustration.
A Plot Against Nehemiah Nehemiah refuses to be distracted from God's work.
A Rock And A Hard Place Pilate's dilemma. A three scene play for Good Friday
A Soldier's Tale The events of Easter as seen by one of the soldiers.
Angel Delight Director's shooting script for the 2001 11-14s Christmas video.
Ascension? Why did Jesus go back to heaven?
Claim To Be Humble Who is the most humble person you know? How do they compare to this lot?
David and Araunah David's pride and its consequences - 2 Samuel 24 in dramatic form
David, Bathsheba And Nathan King David demonstrates how to handle criticism.
Easter Play The Easter story adapted for performance by around sixty primary age children
Executioner - Its Just A Job Mate The Roman soldiers who put Jesus to death were human beings just like you and me.
God's Football Kit Ephesians 6 adapted for those of us who don't know about real armour.
Hark! The Wise Men have become arms dealers and media moghuls, and the shepherds are working in a burger bar and won't get a day off for two millenia. Can Hark the Herald Angel save Christmas as we know it? Script for the 11-14s Christmas Video 2005.
Hezekiah's Illness Hezekiah is healed by God. But is there a happy ending?
Holiday Of A Lifetime A visit to the travel agents turns up unexpected adventure.
Jesus And Judas Contrasts their different actions and fates
Jesus At Twelve Dramatisation of Luke 2:41-52
Jesus, Man Of Prayer Meditation on Jesus' prayer life.
Joseph's Family Introduction to the ancient world's most dysfunctional family.
Loving Your Enemy Is very, very hard.
Moses Keeps His Aaron Dramatisation of the call of Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 3).
Mourning For Jesus What did the women feel as they came to the tomb on that first Easter morning?
Nehemiah And Jesus What would Jesus say to Nehemiah?
Open House Nativity Play All you ever wanted to know about the birth of Jesus but were afraid to ask.
Peer Pressure We are often under pressure to follow what our friends and family do.
Ruth And Boaz A radio style meditation showing that simple wholesome relationships are possible.
The Solomon Interviews Part II Chat show featuring an interview with King Solomon (based on Ecclesiates 2:1-11)
The Blind And The Toothless What happens when the cycle of violence is not broken.
The Easy Way Out Doing the right thing is often hard. Katy finds out what happens when you take the easy way out.
The Man With Two Daughters Dramatisation of the parable of the Man With Two Sons (Matthew 21:28-32)
The Pony Club Of The Apocalypse The Four Horsemen meet their match.
The Vanishing Time Does time for the important things in life vanish ilike smoke? This DVD sketch was written to go with our Bible Studies based on "The Scretape Letters" by C.S. Lewis
Three Friends Trust God Dramatisation of Daniel 3: 12-30
Three Parables Three parables about God's dealings with us that Jesus never told.
Total Boredom New game show with a twist at the end.
Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber Some arguements used against christianity are worthless because they can be reversed to prove the opposite. Here is an illustration.

Special Events

Date: 11 February 2025, 15:30

Date: 13 February 2025, 13:00

Date: 15 February 2025, 10:00
Mission and Outreach Morning Saturday 15th February, 10am – 12pm. An opportunity to meet together, discuss and plan how All Saints can reach out into our local community. All welcome. If you have any

Date: 20 February 2025, 13:00

Date: 27 February 2025, 13:00

Regular Events

Date: 09 February 2025, 08:00

Date: 09 February 2025, 10:30

Date: 10 February 2025, 10:00

Date: 11 February 2025, 15:30

Date: 12 February 2025, 14:00

Date: 13 February 2025, 13:00

Date: 14 February 2025, 10:00

Date: 15 February 2025, 10:00

Contact us:

 All Saints Church, Church Lane, Milton, Cambridge

   01223 441007